
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Will 3-person in vitro fertilization get legalized?

IVF is proving a very powerful and fast adopted technique from past three decades. From time to time advancements are made in every technique and so is done with ivf! Now 3 person ivf research and development has generated many results, some are positive and others are negative obviously. In 3-person IVF treatment technique, scientists are playing with genetics of three people in one go i.e. They are taking the desired or expected characteristics from three people instead of two! This technique is popularly known as mitochondria replacement or manipulation of mitochondria’s and most well understood version is "three person embryos baby". Ivf treatment centre in india
This technique is empowered for women who are suffering from mitochondrial disease but still want to have a child with her own genetics characters. The process of technique is very simple and follows the procedure of removing the bad cells from the eggs of an affected woman(the mother who desires a baby) and put it to meet with egg of another woman.
While doing 3-person IVF- main focus is outlined that mitochondrial disease should not get transferred from mother to child. Correct implementation time is desired for the success of this technique.
There are two types of techniques under this:
1. Embryo repair
2. Egg repair
3-person IVF- the mitochondrial transfer R & D
A lot of discussion is going on this technique and below is the list of some facts and figures:
1      *  This technique is basically to prevent new born babies to be born with mitochondria disease
.     *  This technique is used to treat the infertility problem and is boon for women born with this rare disease.
3     * This technology is best suited to absolutely avoid or neglect the mitochondria transfer.
4    *  This technology is all related to genetically modify the embryos and thus leading to the formation of baby born from three parents.
5     In this technology cells are considered as small batteries that can be swiped out in any way like blood transfusion.
Risk Factor:This technique is quite risky as it evolves playing with the genes which is harmful in one way or the other and is against nature.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

IVF treatment for couples looking to conceive

IVF or in-vitro fertilization is a recommended treatment of fertility that is followed by several couples in the modern time who cannot conceive. There are several reasons of infertility such as damaged fallopian tubes, undetermined infertility, small count of sperms or poor quality sperms, low count of eggs or others. The IVF procedure includes many cycles in which medicines are used to produce multiple healthy eggs. The patients need to take hormone injections on daily basis for around 12 days. These will stimulate the ovaries and release many mature eggs created by fertility eggs. The IVF can be an outstanding solution, it is important to select this therapy after understanding it completely. It needs complete physical and emotional strength developing a toll on body and relationship. Consult for cost of IVF elements as it is a great therapy to become pregnant although it is a troubling and invasive process that poses stress on the body of patients.    

Consulting with the expert IVF specialist is essential to receive the treatment that assures success rates in couples provided by the professional and renowned clinic. Patients receive great care while the therapy. The cost varies depending the medicines required, number of cycles a patient need to undergo.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Why HCG injection is important in IVF?

Eventually a great day comes when doctor will test that the eggs are mature and the most of the eggs are taken for fertilization. However exceptions always make their way out, the instructions for discovering the suitable time for eggs collection are when there are minimum two follicles of size 18mm or larger, more than half of follicles have minimum size 15mm with estrogen level between 1500 to 5000. These state the blood quality on the final day of stimulation instead egg collection. The blood samples are usually not taken on the collection day in the best IVF treatment in India clinic. Irrespective of the aspect that eggs are mature but they are not fully matured. 

For every follicle of size 15 milimeter or larger to create a mature egg, an injection may be given that is called HCG. For the initial 36 to 40 hours subsequent to injection, larger size eggs undergo the maturation procedure. It is important to mature the eggs to enable them fertilize healthily. In other case, it is crucial that within 40 hours subsequent to HCG injection. In few cases above 40 hours, if eggs are not taken they ovulate and then are removed from the ovary and sent in the abdominal cavity from where they cannot be found.

 Therefore it is essential that HCG injection should be taken under the supervision of your speciality within a time given and collection is done precisely within 36 hours. Several hours anyway will not be deleterious but over than that required could be harmful and reduce the success rates. The eggs collection is done within 36 hours after the injection which is a mild surgical procedure conducted by inserting a needle in the upper vaginal wall directly into the ovary. This process is done under ultrasound supervision to find the location of follicles to retrieve the eggs precisely. It is included in the ivf treatment cost in India process.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Where do these embryos?

Behind it all there are European directives governing the sector as the EUTCD (European Union Tissue and Cells Directive), which regulates standards in Europe, EC and Directive 2006/86 / C that set the standards for the donation, procurement, tests, process, preservation, storage and distribution of the genetic material. Each country had to incorporate EU directives into their legislation and to act according to that. Therefore, there are countries where it is possible to adopt frozen embryos from other couples patients (who have taken ART cycles, who have had children and who choose to donate surplus embryos) and either frozen embryos from donors. In other countries, however, you can only adopt frozen embryos from donors. There is talk of embriodonazione when it comes to embryos from
donors, while of embrioadozione for embryos from other couples.

In some states, to donate their embryos, couples Patients should not exceed a certain age. It is conceivable, then, that the greatest number to be taken embryos come from donor embryos. Where do themselves these embryos?

The speech of the age is correct, but the legislation in many countries also has a "vacuum" which allows clinics also use embryos "not used" by pairs patients. Again, it all depends on the legislation of the country.The donor embryos come from donors. For example, if a couple does a cycle embriodonazione (that is un'eterologa total because it receives both the egg that the sperm donor), will receive two embryos. If the woman becomes pregnant, you probably will not want to use the rest of the embryos produced.

It would not be appropriate to promote the adoption of donor embryos because basically there is no one who can choose for them? If we talk about ethics, clinical has no interest in "producing" embryos for no reason because they are not candy. In addition, many countries do not have clear legislation on the destruction of genetic material and this means that the bank of a clinic becomes "full" and the clinic can not do anything. The embriodonazione is the treatment with the highest success rates, but it is not easy for many couples get there. A big part of the couples want before using their genetic material, and after so many failures accept this option. There are also other groups who are interested in this program, such as single women. So, the part "ethics" is not always the one wanted by couples. Although it seems more ethical or fair "use" embryos from the bank of a clinic, if a couple is not ready to accept the idea and the law of the country allows you to have other choices, a clinic can not do much. In addition, the method of vitrification has solved many problems in terms of technical and
ethical: instead of producing many embryos, a modern clinic today can only vitrify oocytes of the donor that will fertilize the seed of a donor only when a patient arrives. This will save on the "production" of many embryos without destination.

Under the pretext of adoption of the embryo may not encourage the emergence of a real business? The clinics could create these embryos "ad hoc" on the pretext of donating them for adoption?
The fact that the PMA is a business is nothing new, but it helps a lot of people and contributes to 'demographic increase in the population. The clinics can produce embryos for "sell" and earn money, however it must be stressed that a serious clinic will not only business, but also what allows their legislation and what is in the

Health: infertility genetic discovered 'hereditary

(AGI) - Milan, A hereditary form of infertility 'may' arise due to a genetic alteration that impedes the survival of key neurons in the control of puberty '.To find out 'was a research coordinated by Anna Cariboni, Department of Pharmacological Sciences the University College of London. The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.  Genetic forms of infertilia 'include disease caused by a deficiency of GnRH, the hormone that controls the synthesis of sex hormones, such as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Kallmann syndrome.

Most of these diseases do not know the genetic causes, but one of the possible mechanisms there and 'a lack of development during fetal life of the neurons that produce GnRH. The researchers found a genetic hitherto unknown in two brothers with Kallmann syndrome. Using a multidisciplinary approach, scientists have identified the lack of a molecule, called "Semaforina3E", which normally protects the GnRH neurons on their way from the nose to the brain compartment. In the absence of this molecule, in the fetal stage, the GnRH neurons die prematurely in the brain, preventing the start of puberty ', in particular in adolescent boys, more' frequently affected by these genetic forms of infertility '.

The molecule was already 'known for its role in the development of blood vessels but had never been associated with human reproduction. "This molecule, which is essential for the proper formation of neural connections in the developing brain, and 'proved equally crucial - said Cariboni and Ruhrberg - for the survival of neurons deputies production sex hormone GnRH and thus to determine the' start of puberty '. This study opens up significant possibilities for early diagnosis of many genetic forms of infertility.' "

Control Sad Pregnancy Test

1. Obesity
woman tries to close small jeans Obesity is a leading cause of female infertility. The extra pounds can affect the production of hormones, which can affect in a negative way the ovulation and therefore the possibility of fertilization. A 2009 study showed that girls who tend to be obese at around 18 years old, are more likely to develop PCOS.

2. Being too thin
woman measuring waist with tape measure in hand Also being underweight can be an impediment to a successful pregnancy. In fact it is lacking the right level of leptin, the satiety hormone, which also help in regulating the menstrual cycle and then ovulation. If you want to have a son is good to have groped a weight as close as possible to normal.

3. Exposure to chemicals
woman cleans cooking The pesticides, detergents and all those chemicals with which the couple can meet lower the chances of that to give birth to a child. And if the men to be affected is the sperm count, in women the effect is usually an early menopause which obviously makes it impossible ovulation. It fails the cell to be fertilized. Pay attention to the quality of the products you use.

4. Smoking 
woman with cigarette Among the many problems that smoking cigarettes leads, there is also to infertility. And it does not even need to be of heavy smokers. Several studies have shown that even secondhand smoke can cause problems reproductive women. Not only: a study of 2014 showed that this effect can be transmitted even to their own children.

5. Alcohol
Woman drinks cocktail Alcohol consumption is not only detrimental to the liver or nervous system. Playback capability is also affected by the abuse of this substance. And 'well then avoid an excessive consumption of alcohol. There is no evidence that a cocktail a week can affect ovulation but is statistically known that people who drink more are more likely to then having to turn to the centers for artificial insemination. It would be better not to risk.

6. Breastfeeding
mother breastfeeding It is difficult to try to get pregnant while still nursing at the breast, and it is a myth to dispel what we can not do it. But it's really hard to happen. The act of feeding with breast milk the little affect on ovulation actually lowering the chances of conception of women.
7. Exercise extreme
woman makes exercise Physical activity, if conducted with Similar helps the body work better. But when the same conduct is exaggerated or extreme even for competitive reasons, women can be a double edged sword. In fact, it affects ovulation. Women of normal weight who exercise five days a week can experience a change in the menstrual cycle. In that case,especially if you want to get pregnant, it becomes necessary to seek advice from your gynecologist.

8. Contraceptive Injection
doctor injects substance arm woman Usually when you stop taking any type of birth control pill ovulation normalizes and the chances of getting pregnant return to normal. It is not the case of an Some women are able to get pregnant in less than a month, for other long enough you can even get to touch the 12 months.

9. Thyroid problems
doctor checks thyroid A study conducted in the early months of 2015 has finally revealed what we all suspected, namely that an undiagnosed hypothyroidism and more generally the thyroid canaffect female fertility. When you have trouble getting pregnant should always check the health of the organ.

10. Caffeine
woman drinks coffee Caffeine can be a cause of female infertility. Not only it makes it more difficult the journey of the egg to the uterus: it was found that those who consume large amounts of coffee daily have also more difficulties with the system of in vitro fertilization.